About Us

MB Shipping LTD, Malta was founded in 2007 by group of shipping professionals. Having started from competitive brokerage, we successfully steered into full management of fleet of modern vessels trading Black Sea - Baltic range and beyond. Furthermore, we arrange worldwide transportation services for our clients as time charter owners and operators of market tonnage.

We carry above million tons of bulk, general and containerized cargos annually by own vessels, performing some 500 port calls a year. Besides, we move more than 2 million tons per year as operators and brokers.
Ship Management
Commercial & Operations Management

MB Shipping ltd chartering and operations team is highly experienced and capable of dealing with any situation that may arise promptly and efficiently aiming to maximize revenue and minimize costs.

Our team ensures vessel’s safe handling by maintaining constant communication with charterers, chartered brokers, port agents, and bunker suppliers, providing detailed voyage instructions with careful consideration given to commercial and technical requirements.

We provide the following full or part commercial & operations management services:

  • - Voyage planning, execution and monitoring
  • - Issuing voyage instructions
  • - Agency appointment, disbursement handling
  • - Voyage estimating calculations
  • - Freight Management
  • - Laytime calculations
  • - Voyage results reporting
  • - Bunkering
  • - Assistance in claims handling
Technical Management

Mb Shipping Ltd provides full Technical Management services

Our team ensures that vessels under our management are operated in a safe, reliable and efficient manner.

Our skilled technical team monitors vessels’ performances and conditions through regular reports from the ships and detailed on-board inspections.

This ensures that owners get the greatest value from their assets which are fully maintained, surveyed and audited to comply with all national and international legislations.

Our in - house integrated ship management software, includes a modern Planned Maintenance System,which allows cost effective planning of maintenance work and planning of spares purchases.
“Cost Effective Reliability”
Traditionally merchant vessels to be taken out of service for dry-docking twice in every five year cycle, in order to perform necessary maintenance and surveys not doable while the vessel is afloat. Currently the period between dry-docking may be extended up to a 5 or 7.5 year period, conducting in-water survey in the intermediate periods. Thus vessel remains in service, reducing idling days and boosting shipowner's profit.
On-Board Repair, Maintenance, Equipment Installation MB Shipping Repair Services together with their close partners provide afloat repairs, maintenance and installations on worldwide basis.
ME Turbocharger service
  • All on Board Engine Overhauling Works
  • Boiler & Tanks Cleaning
  • Pumps, Electric Motors Replace, Installation
ME air cooler cleaning service
RADIO-NAVIGATING, PC and OTHER ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT Maintenance, Installation and Annual Service
MB Shipping ltd partners providing communication, navigation and entertainment equipment and systems.
We also provide a full support package including the provision of spares and project management services for vessel upgrades and refits.
Our Services Include:
Navigation Equipment and Integrated Bridge Systems VSAT and FBB solution
ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display Information System) IT Network Infrastructure
ECDIS Digital Charts Communication services including SIM Provisioning & PSA Service
Inmarsat & GMDSS Annual Services System integration and configuration services

MB Shipping Ltd works for many years

MALTA, LIBERIA Administration approved company who provides service for Maltese & Liberian flagged vessels but not limited to only these countries..

We provide ship convention & conditional assessment including detailed deficiency recommendations and observation list.

Crew Management

Crew management encompasses a broad range of activities covering the recruitment and selection, deployment, ongoing management of the officers and ratings engaged on vessels under full management or crew management contracts.

Our crew database includes mainly seamen from Ukraine and other countries, we also have a partners from Far East who can provide recruitment service.

Pre-employment seamen interview is performed by company personnel, such as DPA, Technical manager and Crewing Manager in English language.

Information relating to the engagement of seafarers according to national and international regulations and the specific needs of ship owning clients is managed by the bespoke ShipSure crew module. This system stores and makes information available to users throughout the network for planning purposes and links to other financial and operational systems used by the group.

MB Shipping LTD is a freight contractor providing to our clients world-wide transport solutions with 3rd party owned tonnage of any size. Over the years, we have built and maintained tight working relations with international clients who are producers as well as end users of dry bulk commodities. Cargo volume carried annually exceeds 2 million tons and is expected to rise in the years to come.
  • Recent tct Fixtures:
  • mv Kanchana Naree, dwt 56k
  • mv TW Jiangsu, dwt 93k
  • mv SSI Pride, dwt 48k
  • mv SSI Challenger, dwt 56k
  • mv SSI Avenger, dwt 53k
  • mv Karimu, dwt 57k
  • mv Interlink Priority, dwt 38k
  • mv TS Challenge, dwt 39k
  • mv Vanguard, dwt 34k
  • mv SBI Reggae, dwt 81k
  • mv HTK Discovery, dwt 37k
  • mv Alycia, dwt 34k
Our pandi : American Club
  • Our Bunker Suppliers:
  • Arkas Bunkering and Trading SA
  • CYE Petrol TIC. LTD. STI
  • Monjasa A/S
  • ShipOil Limited
  • KPI Bridge Oil
  • Socar
  • Alpic Energy CY LTD
  • Integ8 Fuels DMCC
  • BMS United
  • Markship Company
  • Propeller Fuels
  • PMG Holding
  • Total Bunkering S.A.

For years, our highly-qualified team provides services in Chartering, S&P and other typical shipbroker businesses.

Huge brokerage experience along with well-established market links allows our company to act quickly, efficiently and extremely profitably for all parties involved.

We offer our expertise in handling all bulk carrier sizes from coasters through to the largest capesizes as well as specialized bulk carriers, combined carriers, general cargo vessels and container-ships. Cargo coverage includes coal, iron ore, grains, bauxite & alumina, steel products, sugar, fertilizers, and many other commodities on a worldwide basis as well as short sea trades.

Choosing MB Shipping ltd as your exclusive broker, you choose reliability, quality and confidence of success.

MB Shipping Ltd 43, Bordin Street,Pieta,Malta, PTA1231 Tel: +35620106139
Departments Safety\Quality Management: dpa@mb-ship.com
Operating Office 4 Andrea Papandreou St.,Glyfada,16675,Greece
Departments Safety\Quality Management: dpa@mb-ship.com